Time For Change

written by Kris Costa

The hearts at Mindset are deeply saddened by recent events at Umpqua Community College.

Unfortunately, it is my belief that this will not be the last school shooting to take place. The rash of violence spreading across the nation against our schools and the innocents within is nothing short of evil.

My appreciation goes to the first responders, medical responders, crisis centers and others, whose grim tasks now include and necessitate drill upon drill of reacting to such domestic terrorist emergencies. No longer carrying an element of sheer surprise, these tragedies have become scenarios whose practiced responses are now a matter of protocol in our American culture. The re-enforced skill sets of our task forces, and other emergency preparedness teams and individuals have no doubt increased the likelihood of surviving such a horrifying scenario, however, much needs to be discussed and implemented to avert the terrorist act in the first place. It is not enough to deal with the after effects. These occurrences MUST be eliminated. It is my opinion that the most influential to facilitate effective change in our own schools lie with us, the civilian public.

I often wonder how many parents have asked the serious questions to our schools regarding  security and preventative measures, and if so asked, what are the responses?

Our government representatives and the like, will address various talking points around gun control, mental health, etc., all of which are vital and valid and necessary discussions to have,  for quite some time to come. However, let us not forget that it is not the government’s responsibility to appoint school security to all the schools in the nation and regulate it. Our Legislative branch will provide rules to govern society, and the Judicial branch will set ramifications when violations occur. The police and others will respond to such violations. However, the job of keeping our schools safe lie with us, the proactive general public. It simply is not acceptable or effective to wait around in fear for someone, or some other body of people, to do the job we need to be doing, which is stand up for safety of our youth and other personnel in schools.

If you are a parent, have you questioned your child’s school on security procedures? Do you know what the procedure is concerning lock down? Do you know if those procedures are drilled with any regularity? What situations are covered? Most importantly, how is the school addressing preventative measures? How is the school physically secured? Are there increased security measures in place?  Are there “No Gun Zone” signs posted? Does your school believe that is a deterrent? Would they consider additional preventative security measures if the budget for such could be supplemented? Would you pull your child/young adult out of the school if you were not satisfied with their answers? Is there a parent group formed and it is applying pressure  (and support) to the school to make the hard decisions and take serious action?

This is only the tip of the iceberg. Do your children know how to adapt to life where they hear about school shootings in the news regularly? Do they really feel safe? And there is so much more.

If it is not worth the effort to find the answers to the above, and more so, to do everything possible in our power to protect our children in school, then we may loose a lot more lives waiting for others to address these issues on our behalf. I believe in prevention, and it begins in our own neighborhoods. Speak up, form a collective, offer solutions, pressure the schools to respond, financially contribute. It’s not about who “should” be doing what, it is about doing the best we can and now. Lives matter.

There are so many facets to the issue of school violence and violence prevention. Enforcing physical boundaries against it, before it happens, may just be the easy part.

Here is the real question: If we could go back to the day before each school shooting, knowing what we know now, would there be one thing that could be done differently?  If the answer is no, then there is no need to pay attention to this post.


The Holidays Are Just Around the Corner- So Are Criminals

The Holidays Are Just Around the Corner…..
So Are Criminals

Holiday pic.11.2014
By Brent Grove


Soon we will be caught up in the holiday spirit, unfortunately, so will criminals. Criminals know people will be preoccupied with holiday to-do lists, less attentive of their situational awareness, and people will have more valuables on them during the holiday season.

There is a reason why shopping centers hire more security guards during the holiday season. Local police know they will be receiving more calls for home burglaries.

You and your family can prevent yourself from being victimized by following some simple precautions, both at home and at shopping centers, which are listed below:


• Keep window blinds closed when not at home
• Keep outside lights on during night
• Post Holiday vacation pictures on social media after you have returned from vacation
• Have a trusted neighbor watch your house while away, collect mail, trash cans and maybe even park their car in your
driveway while you’re gone.
• Keep some inside lights on timers to go on and off at different times during night.
• Put a radio on a timer so it goes on and off at different times of the day.

• Do not allow yourself to be distracted when heading to your car, no texting, no headphones, no cell phone.
• Have your keys in hand before leaving to go to the parking lot. Place a key between pointer and middle finger so it can
be used as a weapon.
• Park under a well-lit areas, and try to back in the parking spot for quick exit.
• Check your car before getting in, glance in backseat.
• When using your remote, use it in the mode that only unlocks the driver side door.

Read the rest of the article on pgs. 32-33 here

Happy Holidays, and stay safe!
Brent Grove
Brent Grove is a Force Recon Marine Veteran and a Law enforcement officer with many years of experience in developing, testing,and producing ballistic products for both law enforcement and the personal protection market. Brent also is a NRA firearms instructor for both civilian and law enforcement.

We also provide firearms, hand defense, and in-home custom defensive training. For more information, go to http://www.wargrove.com/

For defensive products that aid in protecting you and family members visit http://www.santangear.com/
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